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Topics in Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

During my work and study in the field of AI/ML/DS/BD I often struggeld to structure the content properly to prevent losing oversight. It is also sometimes not easy to find good sources of information to learn about a topic. Therefore I created over time a hierarchical categorization of topics and added suitable links.

How this page is organized:

The topics Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and data science statistics, math are all heavily overlapping and interrelated.

I break down the massive universe of knowledge for these topics in to several 3-level bullet point lists who are connected via links. I found this method most suitable when I studied fore the MBA


Data Science  top

Big Data  top

Artificial Intelligence  top

Robotics  top

Optimization algorithms top

Reinforcement Learning  top

Statistics  top

  • Cumulative distribution functions
  • Distributions
  • Probability
  • Operations on distributions
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Estimation
  • Main concepts. From: Discovering statistics using R

    Deep Learning  top

    Supervised Machine Learning  top

    Current trends and hot topics in Artificial Intelligence  top

    Various articles on algorithms  top

    Various articles on Data, Engineering, AI, etc.  top

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